Friday, December 23, 2011


HELLO ALL who’s wondering how we are, we’re VERY GOOD!  =)
Prepare for a VERY LONG post, but, it is a MUST read! We can’t help it!
God’s presence has been so VERY with us the whole of yesterday. Debrief on the Song theaw (yes, we had debrief on the Song theaw THIS MORNING because we were all too tired by the time we ended the day yesterday! Happily tired I mean!) ended off with Ah jaan Henry saying that he felt that we were like angels carrying the message of God’s love, since he felt that it came across most powerfully yesterday! HAHAHA. So awesome right? Everyone who’s reading, pray that we continue to carry God’s love, and that it increases and increases and just continue to increase each day!
So now, this is how we were like messengers who brought GOD’S LOVE. HAHAHA!!!!
We started off with a visit to Palamut, a really warm lady who many of us felt was like our grandmother (esp Uncle Wee Seng- Go talk to him to find out more! HAHAHA). She’s a faithful servant of God, with a really huge heart for her grandson. Her daughter went to Bangkok to work thus she has to shoulder on the responsibility of taking care of her grandson, however she always remains optimistic and joyful, which is something we really respect her for. Anyway, it’s pretty cool. Read on. HAHA. There’s this divine link going on.
It started with Reuel checking with Uncle Cheng Kie to find out which passage on Isaiah 52:6-7 “How lovely are the feet of those who bring good news” which was then read to Palamut in Thai. At the same time, Ah jaan Henry was prepared a pail of water to wash Palamut’s feet. As I don’t understand Thai, and had no idea what was going on, Uncle CK told me the verse, which I knew then that OKAYYY, it’s time to dance (even though I still don’t understand how this works, but HAHAHA).
 After Ah jaan Henry washed her feet, Joanne anointed her feet with olive oil, and Natalie and I danced, somehow, I think the spiritual climate just changed, don’t ask me how, i don’t know. HAHA. But I think it did. So, pretty cool ah? =)  Palamut just got touched and I saw tears in her eyes!  Uncle Wee Seng approached Palamut with tears in his eyes, and said she reminded him of his grandmother who love him deeply despite his naughty past. He affirmed her that she is sowing seeds of love to her grandson who is naughty and not close to the Lord.
At the end of the trip, many of us just simply felt the love. Palamut stood at the door, waving all the way until the Song theaw was out of sight. Such an AWWWWW moment right? =)=)=) According to Guijia, it REALLy touched his heart.
Our next trip was to Som Sak house. Another REALLY COOL trip. For those who know him, cool stuff happened to this really faithful servant of God again! =) He was suffering from cataract (couldn’t really see in his right eye) and kidney problems caused by diabetes, that had him hospitalised for 2.5 months (I think), which was a close shave to death. HAHA. So we just prayed. While we were praying for him, Jasmine (who also drew a drawing for him last year) saw a vision of him at the hospital bed, where Jesus was at the foot of the bed, healing and bringing him back to life. When this was communicated to him, he acknowledged that he indeed saw Jesus coming to him when he was in the hospital. Later on, Jasmine then saw a vision of a new body that entered him. Damaris, Jolyn and Natalie of us who were praying also felt tinkling on their fingers and heat going through their hands and fingers during the prayer (which was acknowledged by Som Sak).  
We prayed for healing of his cataract and strength to return to his body, especially his legs. At the end of the prayer, his right eyes were able to open fully and he could see better. Wow!! And Som Sak was able to walk long distances that he never was able to walk. He was even able to jump! Yes, JUMP! =) Haha. Like the previous trip to Palamut house, Som Sak was also waving to us at his doorsteps. Really awesome, since he never was able to walk to the doorstep previously! This is the first instant healing during this trip, and also the first experience of watching someone get healed instantly to many of us!
Okay hi hi! The Joanne Ah Ler Ler’s hereeeeee. I was praying for Som Sak’s wife, Pa-Chuan with some of the others, Nat, Jolyn etc. Pastor Engkiat mentioned that she wasn’t growing in faith as strong as her husband thus we decided to pray for her regarding that. Besides, she had a painful past of having her daughter committing suicide. We prayed for her and continued to release words and visions that God gave us upon her. She kept saying that she was fine when we asked her about her feelings with regards to her daughter’s death. She told us that someone cheated her of her money but she wasn’t angry or whatsoever anymore. However, we noticed that she penned down the date of when she was cheated on her calendar, which proved that she still bore a grudge. Thus we prayed for inner healing. After the immense session of prayer, not only did Pa-Chuan feel encouraged, we too were in high spirits. We set off for our next destination, Som Sak and Pa-Chuan saw us out and waved goodbye to us. PRAISE THE LORD (: Wheeeeeeeeeeee! He’s so awesome isn’t it? (YOU HAVE TO AGREE) (:
Our next destination was the evangelistic concert at ACET office at Thachang. We became super excited during the journey there so we began to sing worship songs from our handy dandy TMT booklets. It was an awesome time of worship and it really uplifted our spirits. We reached there and started off with ice breakers and introduction of ourselves. We performed our Christmas skit and I (Joanne) shared a testimony. Everything went well and joy was certainly stirring up in our hearts! (Uncle Cheng Kie adding in here: after the concert Pi Miu mentioned that when the ‘Jesus’(me.haha) walk in after  the angelic dance, she sense a strong presence of God.I also saw  Joanne’s testimony as an arrow with a fiery tip. So, we pray that her testimony will be penetrating to the hearts of the listener. )

OH BUT. Hahaha we have one more thing to share. (JOSHUA MELTED THE HEARTS OF THE GIRLS AT THE CONCERT HEEHEE) With the great advertisement from Guijia, Joshua was the superstar of the night (BECAUSE THE GIRLS SAID HE’S LOR MAK MAK), they were surrounding him and grabbing his light sticks, desperately wanting the chance to sit beside him. Awwwwwwww what a hilariously cute sight. Of course, GOD is the real superstar (:
Sam back again!! We ended our day with Carolling, we sang to doors. HAHAHAHA. It’s a culture thing probably, which we all stood outside doors to sing, while the home owners hide behind because they are supposed to be SURPRISED! Haha. We had the privilege of singing at the district Mayor’s house as well! Thank God for giving us all the strength to walk and sing even though some of us were kinda tired. It gave us a peek to how Christmas is like over here in Thailand! We pray that as messengers of Christ, we really brought Christ’s presence into the neighbourhoods!
Last but not least (otherwise, our post will never end):
1)      Not forgetting our trip to the hammer pork shop (the lady treated us to so much yummy pork).
2)      We also have to thank the really BIG hearted Thai workers who has been so faithful, that really have the feat, perseverance and heart. Without them sowing the seeds, we cannot reap. We also can’t do anything without them ploughing the seeds that we sowed. People, I think they really have A BIG BIG HEART. Really pray that they will have God’s strength and perseverance to just keep going! HAHA. It’s not easy! =)
3)      Our leaders, who faithfully went to buy bread from 7-11, when all of us were asleep on the Song Theaw. Give it up for Chass and Skeithz! (CLAP CLAP*)
4)      DADDY GOD for having gone before us, and for always being there, and for simply everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In His love and ours,
SAM and Joanne Ahlerler.


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