Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 3 - Teaching at School

Hi everyone! How's everyone been!? For those who have been following up with our blog, we thank you!!! God has been doing amazing things in this trip and every night there's bound to be testimonies and thanksgiving items to be shared with each other. As we share how our day has been, we hope it ministers to you as well!

Our third day started early @ 7am so as to be on time for the flag-raising ceremony at Wat Pra Prang School. Our team was invited to be there to teach English to the primary 4-6s. It was an eye opener for many of us who are here in Singburi for the first time and we also felt it was really fun to be finally the teacher instead of the student! We thank God that the English lessons were executed smoothly.

The P4 team (Charissa, Uncle Cheng Kie, Reuel, Joshua and Natalie) taught them how to make cute bunnies as well as animal names. Uncle Cheng Kie is awesome. He played this super awesome animal song for the kids to sing and dance along too!

The P5 team (Keith, Uncle Wee Seng, Jasmine, Grace and Zach) taught their students how to fold paper hearts with love messages. Even though this was a simple activity, the kids were so into it that they did not want to go for their tea break. The students even gave us the hearts that they folded with love messages on it. The team was really touched by their love messages as the students went around pasting hearts on their t-shirts. At the end of the lesson, Keith shared that while folding the hearts was fun, the team also wanted to teach the students that they too had to love one another, and whenever they see the hearts they will be reminded of that love.

The P6 team (Mark, Damaris, Samantha, Guijia, Auntie Marita and Joanne) started with ice-breaker games followed by a crossword puzzle on vocabulary. All of the students were really happy and were smiling cheerfully as the games we taught by Joanne. They later ended the lesson by teaching the students how to dance to the song "walking on sunshine!".
We were also requested to coach the boys in football and the girls in volleyball, as the school was going to enter a provincial sports championship in early Jan 2012. Again, many of us found it an interesting first time experience! First time teaching English and then first time being football and volleyball coaches! Although we encountered language barrier, we managed to overcome it with our enthusiasm and tons of sign language! Thankfully, we have the two JOs (Joshua and Jolyn):D  to really go forth and teach the students new tactics and skills to play. For soccer, we ended the training with a friendly match which ended up with a DRAW (1-1)!  Overall, the fellowship that we had with the students was awesome :) Here are some of the actions that happened in the school!

We also give thanks that the skit also ran smoothly! Cas and Shaun started off the session with a little ice-breaker involving the EVER FAVOURITE "Sawatdii krap" song and dance, followed by the "Walking on Sunshine" dance that was taught to all the classes today! The team then presented a very interesting and engaging mime. The kids listened attentively and at times also clapped and laughed loudly as they saw their teachers acting! After the skit, Grace went up to the front to share her testimony about how God helped her to overcome her addiction to Korean dramas and later managed to improve in her studies. The kids later presented each one of us with hand-drawn cards! They are such sweet and adorable children!

We finally ended the hectic (but enjoyable) day at Chaiseng Shopping centre where we had dinner as well as a time for shopping! We reached home pretty early for once and decided to have an extended worship and prayer! Grace Fong led the evening devotion as well! She shared a passage on Joshua 1:9,
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go.”
Grace shared that she had many fears in her life and even had some fears on coming for this TMT. But last night before she slept she suddenly thought of this verse and when she was asked to share her testimony in front of the entire school, she didn't back down but bravely stood up to the task as she remembered God's promise that He will be with us where ever we go. She also interestingly pointed out that we have been COMMANDED to be strong and courageous, so she also don't really have much choice but to "gan gan lai" and chiong forward! She then led us into a prophetic session where we asked God to show us what was some of the biggest fears in our lives and to write them on pieces of paper which we then crushed and burned away.

This was a symbolic act to show that we have cast away our fears forever! We should learn to step out from our comfort zone and be courageous for God will be with us in whatever we do. Finally our worship leader, Reuel Kong, ended the evening with a BANG with thunderous, awesome worship! In fact, our worship has been very spirit-led the past few night and we pray that God will continue to show up!!!

All in all, we had so much fun today and already have SO MANY things to give thanks about. And it's only Day 3! We're really excited and cannot wait for God to show up! Continue to keep us and our health in prayer!

Prayer Requests:
1) Joanne's jaw is hurting. Pray that the pain will leave her and not affect her eating and every day activities.
2) Cover the team in prayer as we visit church member's homes in Inburi and Thong En districts. Pray for a good time of fellowship and that we would have an opportunity to bless the Thai people!
3) Pray that many children will attend the kid's club at Sawingha Church in the evening! We will be putting up an evangelistic skit and pray that many hearts will hear the gospel being preached!

Guijia, Damaris and Shaun


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