Tuesday, July 14, 2009

140709 TMT

Yeah! Back in pastor's Eng Kiat's house way past scheduled time again! That means that many awesome things have happened today. Anyways, sorry about the abrupt change in style for our post yesterday. Sadly, half of it was gone when we checked today. Super Sianz. Thankfully, Uncle Henry work out something this morning. Anyway, lesson learnt: Jesus saves, and we should too when it comes to posts. Ok. And Uncle Henry is pleased that the blog counter is jumping. So tell everyone who is interested in God's incredible work here on EARTH and push the counter higher. Muahaha. Anyway, we totally agree with you Shaun and Ben. Seriously, awesome stuff is happening, and i'm not just saying it just to make you feel bad. All that's missing is for Ben Chan to shout 'On Your Knees!! during our Deliverance sessions.

Anyway, we'l be sharing mainly on testimonies for this post as there are so many of them. I'll just give you a quich lowdown on what happened for today: we first went to a farm in Tachang for visitation(yes, a real farm, with chickens, pigs and ducks, and some of us actually witness the sow giving birth to piglets. Then we went for a second visitation, also in Tachang. Following that, we have a children's evangelical programme/concert(same programme as yesterday, but different kids) and then had a CG at Takham.

The farm we visited belongs to a woman, called Miw, whose pigs are paid for by the covenant seed fund. She had attempted to commit suicide in the past but was saved by the dog. Anyways, she contacted the Christian radio station, which then linked her to Pastor Eng Kiat. Yeah ... we renounced the spirit of rejection, death, despair and so on and called forth the presence of God into her life. Anyways, she currently resides within the farm as her house needs some more funding to be completed. You know what to do. haha.

Ok. Then we had our first conversion of the day, which was completed unexpected and unplanned for. Ok... first things first. Another woman, a new believer had came over to be prayed for. She had kidney problems, and God revealed to us she harboured bitterness and unforgiveness towards her husband, and she prayed for a reversal of that. There was anotherwoman who had popped by to learn more about the faith and one of the Thai church worker preached the gospel to her. She then accept Chirst into her life, and our word for her was to be lifted out from despair as she had 2 previous abortions. The Holy Spirit also revealed to Alvin that she had headaches and insomia.

So far so good. Note an interesting link here. As we pray for healing and release from sickness, the Holy Spirit sometimes reveals to us any strongholds and sins that are causing the affliction.

For the second visitation. We visited the house of a youth named Don. Anyway, there is a mushroom 'farm' next to the house, which is also provided for by the covenant seed fund. As, for Don, he is currently on the run from the police(!) and drug traffickers(!!). He currently resides with his grandmother, who cannot speak with his grandmother as her vocal chords are ruined by smoking. Also in the ... scene were Don's relative, an old lady who was an ex medium, and a woman who had some hand injury plus some Thai church members and some other family members and some chickens. We prayed for the 4 main characters ... On to the woman with the hand injury first. As we prayed for her, she felt her hand getting better and she could twist and move it freely, which was soemthing she couldn't do before. If that isn't amazing enough, as Charissa was praying for her, she sense that the women was dealing with a lot of rejection. Upon further probing, we found out that her husband had abandoned her along with her 2 small children and the rest of the family members ostracised her for becoming a Christian. As Aunty Anong prayed for her, she suddenly shouted out a short phrase 'that was not Thai' - exact words from Aunty Anong. We believe that the Holy Spirit compelled her to speak in tongues. As for Don, we prayed that God would make a way for him and he could really feel God the father's love for him, for he was rejected by his parents who abandoned him when young. Anyway, Uncle Henry led him thru prayer to release forgiveness to his parents and got Don's Grandma to bless him and he started crying. I think God touched him that day. The ex temple medium was suffering from headaches and blurness in her left eye+ blindness in the right. As we prayed for her, she felt her headache clear. Praise the Lord!! To surmise, we were all praying like mad and Uncle Henry said that he really felt the Holy Spirit in that place.

So after all the prayers, we went on to minister to the kids over at Takham, with our usual Evangelical Concert!

That will mean doing our ice breakers, Jai Ho - Every Move I make dance with the kids and our flash card testimonies! Not forgetting the Everything skit, that never seems to fail to leave the kids a little scared, during the "Satan" portion, where Alvin comes about to taunt Eunice with a knife, and today, Satan brought a new tool, of a noose.

Lydia did a great job being an emcee of the concert, but went over the top, with her sassy, "Nobody, nobody but you" dance. She managed to get her darling sister, Eunice to dance along with her, which was really a joy to watch! Totally funny (so i wonder what the boys over at Singapore were missing?)

Today saw Jacob sharing his testimony on the importance of family love, with his experiences of being influenced by bad company, but overcoming it, having a great releationship with his family later. It was moving to share with the kids on the importance of it, and to treasure it (:

Thereafter, we had a fun time eating Thai snacks and giving out balloon sculptures and gift bags to the kids. Definitely brought back some memories of being kids with those snacks, but here comes the best part, of a Cassanova and a Hero.

Cassanova, was Neo, who flaunted his girl wooing skills, by throwing down a stalk of flower down to a crowd of screaming girl fans. It got alittle scary when the girl who picked the flower up, did chase Neo some distances. But do not fret, fellow Neo fans, he's alright!

Hero, was Jacob, who sprung into action, by saving a demsel in distress, by helping get Pink's motorbike, out from the muddy drain. His right leg ended up really dirty, and his two shoes totally soaked in dirt and mud, we really felt Jacob's expression of loving our neighbour as ourselves.

After all that action, we had a wonderful dinner of Fried Rice with veggies, sitting at this open air area, that made it felt like a campfire! But the only drawback was that, everyone was literally scratching their heads and legs off, thanks to the gazillions mozzies all around, feeding on our foreigner's blood in Thailand!

With all the yummy food, we proceeded on to Cell group which saw many testimonies and the literal demonstration of healing the sick and setting the captives free. There was a testimony and sharing session by Joyce and Eunice, on the love of God and a short sharing by Eunice. When it ended, it was pure ministry time.
There, we saw a woman who had knee pain, healed partly during Sunday's church service, and received total healing today, because we persisted and took the step of faith to pray for her. There was another old lady who was the owner of the house we were at, who had some problems with her heart. A bunch of us prayed for her, which made her puke quite a bit. Anyway, En Min shared that she felt something weird about the house, and then there was actually temple amulets found over there. We prayed for any spiritual bonds to that to be broken. Nvevertheless, Wan Hsi sensed that what she needed was restoration and love. After the prayer, it was a heartwarming sight to see her hug the people who prayed for her. There was also this man called Sayang(sp?). Anyway, he actaully fell into insanity 7 years ago, when he was a new believer. He was sent to a mental hospital and till now remains under medication. He also works for Pastor Eng Kiat now and is quite a gentle and pleasant fellow. Uncle Henry prayed against to spirit of orphan(ness) in him and brought him through a inner healing process. Oh yeah...and there was this man who had right knee pains and misalignment of the spine. He actually is not a believer but after we prayed for him, asked to receive Christ into his life and prayed the sinner's prayer. Score 2. However, we are unsure if his pain is gone as he only feels it when he does hard labour.

So....All in all, today has been awesome. All glory to God, whose presence has really been tangible with us today. As we encounter many many prayer requests and needs and hidden brokenness, we can only say that the kingdom of darkness has really a strong grip here and people really need the light of the Lord. Countless people need to be uplifted from rejection and despair and brought into his glory. And sometimes we may feel like we are being thrown into the deep end as we are facing tasks after tasks - truly, the harvest is great but the harvesters are few. But we fight under the banner of the living God, and proclaim his greatness into lives fraught with trials and pains.

Pray for God's strenght to be with us. And the joy of the lord to be our strength. There is really an escalation of intensity here as we take things TO THE NEXT LEVEL!! That we will have energy and for the Holy Spirit to fill us and refuel us.

Pray for protection over the team. As we bring forth the light into people's life, we too renounce the works of the devil. Pray for protection from any spiritual or physical attacks. Espeically from the H1N1 virus.

Thank God for the unity among the team. We have been really getting along well. As we face challenges, our trust in one another starts to grow. Pray for the continual release of spirit of kindness and gentleness upon us, that we will continue to honour one another and serve each other with a loving heart.

Pray for a strengthening of relationship with Jesus and a deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will release a greater dose of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revletion, that the eyes of our hearts will be fully opened so that we will receive downloads from God to minister to the Thai people.

Pray for physical protection for the trippers from mosquitoes. The mozzies were especially aggressive at night and went into the commando mode as we were praying and doing ministry. Pray that the presence of God will be so strong that it will repel the mozzies.

The youngest mission tripper ah bee is doing really fine, mixing well with the Thai children and even helping to break the ice with them. Pray for physical protection, safety and good health as she endures the long hours of ministry with the older ones (though she is really enjoying it.)

Thank you for your prayers and support is very much appreciated.


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