Hi there, we're currently trying to sort things out now. I know the HOME page looks real messy and you can't comprehend why all the random postings. Its gonna stay on for a while, at least till more posts comes in and pushes all these older posts behind.
What's going on now, is each page you see above on the navigation bar is being created, and being the HOME page, being the root page, the pages for the "bread", "pictures" gets linked back to it. So all these subpages gets shown and it really looks messy on the front of the HOME page. So please do bear with it for awhile (It feels like furniture being moved to some new house, and the place is getting furnished and arranged). Till things settle in, and we get a lovely home (I hope, with my fingers+toes crossed) =X
So things are going to get started and fired around here. Keep posted, and please fill free to write and leave your comments behind. See the "COMMENT" link over there?
Meanwhile, here's the upcoming updates on what's happening to the YA in coming weeks to come.
(sidenotes: And if anyone of you realised, the banner up there is a picture from somewhere taken pretty lately. Any guesses? Or rather, guess the people in the picture? ahaha.)
- 24 Aug - BS 'Worship Leading'
- 31 Aug - Community Blessing
- 7 Sep - Games Day
- 14 Sep - Table Fellowship
- 21 Sep - Prayer and Worship
The Beloved YA Comm (on behalf)
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