Covenant Youth and Youth Adults

WORSHIP Jesus through Word. Outreach. Revivalist. Supernatural. Honor. Impact. Prayer

Psalms 27:4

Becoming dwelling places for Him to dwell in

Monthly Extended Worship

Spend time soaking and being in His presence, talking to Him as He speaks to us

CG/BAG Time/Bible Study

Your weekly Cell Groups or Basic Accountability Groups, ploring over the word, journeying together

Our Core Values

Jesus is the focus of our worship.

Monday, March 19, 2012

YaYA Event Calandar 2012

Hello YaYA,
Please take note of the upcoming events in 2012.
Be excited and look forward to an eventful year ahead!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


What are our YaYA Core Values?

The most important and fundamental core value is WORSHIP JESUS - Jesus is the focus of our worship.

Our first and most important ministry is to worship. Remember the Core
Values by remembering the word W-O-R-S-H-I-P.

And this is expressed through:
- Knowing the WORD (Jesus & His written word) is our number 1 priority
- Proclaiming the gospel through OUTREACH
- REVIVALIST: passing on revival from one generation to the next
- a SUPERNATURAL disciple of Jesus walking in miracles, signs and wonders
- a family known for our strong culture of HONOUR
- IMPACTING every sphere with God's unconditional love & transforming power
- PRAYER that brings the manifest PRESENCE of God

Pastor Henry

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Please pray for this YaYA outreach event on 11 March, Sunday at ECP
  • Pray for good weather, and space at park to conduct games
  • Pray for smooth operation and planning
  • A good turn-out
  • Everyone will enjoy themselves
  • YaYAs will see it as a prime opportunity to invite their friends to come to church and then play at East Coast Park
  • Unity among the CG/BAG and also the youth and young adults. John 13: 34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

YaYA Outing - Miracle Man

Are you ready for the toughest challenge your CG/BAG has yet to face?
Come show your unity and enjoy a healthy lifestyle together!
Remember to bring along your friends to this exciting event.
Sign up with your CG/BAG leaders today!