Covenant Youth and Youth Adults

WORSHIP Jesus through Word. Outreach. Revivalist. Supernatural. Honor. Impact. Prayer

Psalms 27:4

Becoming dwelling places for Him to dwell in

Monthly Extended Worship

Spend time soaking and being in His presence, talking to Him as He speaks to us

CG/BAG Time/Bible Study

Your weekly Cell Groups or Basic Accountability Groups, ploring over the word, journeying together

Our Core Values

Jesus is the focus of our worship.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Prayer for YaYA Ministry

Hi everyone,

Please set aside some time to pray for our leaders and for ourselves. It is through prayer that we could hope to shape history and destiny, filled with the Holy Spirit, received divine wisdom and revelation, and tap into the resource and power of God!!

Uncle Henry

YaYA Leaders
         Wisdom for the YaYA Executive Committee (EXCO): Ministry heads – Henry & Carol, Youth work - Cheng Kie & Lydia, AG work - Qi Hui, YA Work – Shaun & Shi Wei. Pray that they will discern God’s direction for the ministry.
         The regular Friday YaYA Leaders Mentoring Meeting – the 34 leaders will know the Bible and catch the Holy Ghost fire.
         They will be men and women of prayer.
         Have an intimate relationship with Jesus, and they will do what they see God is doing in their own lives, and working from God’s agenda.
         They will be leaders with spiritual authority who are able to impart what they receive to the youths/YAs.

Youths and Young Adults
         Awareness of their Identity in Christ.
         Dependence on the Holy Spirit, accountability to God, parents and their spiritual leaders.
         Drawn to God’s Word.
         Favor in their study and work.
         Passion for outreach.
         Possessing a strong culture of Honor.
         Radical in worship and prayer.
         Walking in miracles, signs and wonders.

Extended Worship on 26 Feb

Hello everyone!! It's time for Extended Worship again this Sunday! Please come down to the basement after 1st service and be ready to dig in to super yummy breakfast!! See you there! :>

Monday, February 13, 2012

Burning Bush this Friday

Burning Bush Nite, 17 Feb, Fri 8.00pm, Sanctuary. 
Speaker : Ed Pousson.
Come join us for a time of seeking and encountering God.