Keith’s hearts desire is to raise up revivalists who know how to change cultures, walk in their prophetic destiny, and bring the Kingdom of God to earth, with signs and wonders following. Keith is a prophetic worship leader who provokes people into a place of freedom in God through his worship. He is also a strong prophetic teacher who brings people into encounters with God through his teaching. He loves to train and equip the body of Christ to move in signs and wonders, boldness, and radical encounters with God.
Keith and his wife Heather spent ten years as Senior Leaders at Shiloh Gateway of Worship in Willits, California, where they have walked out what they teach and impart. They are currently the directors of the School of the Nations and also oversee the 2nd year of the Potter’s House School of the Supernatural at The Mission in Vacaville, California. They have also spent time overseas planting supernatural schools in the nations.
Keith and Heather carry a strong anointing to break the heavens open over churches, regions and nations through their worship leading, prophetic teaching, and impartation. They have traveled to many nations bringing people into radical encounters with God.
Uncle Henry