Hi guysss…
How have you guys been? We have sadly come to the end of our mission trip and with sinking feelings, we have to part from this wonderful country. We thank God for his continuous grace and LOVE throughout this trip. So here we go sharing about the most awesome Thailand Mission Trip ever.
The day started off with the famous soaking session led by Aunty Carol. Personally, I was very very very very eggcited for the time of soaking and receiving from God. I love how we are able to bask freely in God’s presence and let God connect with us (something which we all want to be able to do again and again back in Singapore). We then proceeded to individually affirming each other and it was amazing to say the least. Our hearts were left feeling full and overflowing with joy and peace. It was nice to see even the youths sharing words they received from the Lord to encourage and affirm the older ones! They really have stepped up over this trip and Shaun was just sharing on how he was proud and happy to see all of them grow.
After a spiritually fulfilling morning, we headed of to Paew’s famous stall. Though we were sad that kway chap was not on the menu today, the awesome wanton mee and beef kway teow was a more than satisfactory substitute. We actually slurped up around 40 bowls for main course alone. Of course there was the mouth-watering chendol, ice coffee and fried snacks (like goreng pisang).
Next up was children’s club at Pakathan!! Though we expected only 4 kids to turn up, NINE kids actually attended!! More than double what we expected!!!!!! :O God is good and we had an awesome time of fellowshipping with the children. There were songs, food and even an impromptu skit put together by the team. Uncle Jeremy is our superhero. He really took charge of the children's club and tanked the awesome task of engaging the kids (which he did flawlessly, once again). Thank God for Uncle Jeremy~ ^^ And, some of us also got to experience first hand Thai massage by one of the ladies in the village.
Some team members prayed for another lady with knee pain and back pain. That woman even felt better and was very thankful for that. A-tid-taan (prayer) works! Praise God!!!
Some team members prayed for another lady with knee pain and back pain. That woman even felt better and was very thankful for that. A-tid-taan (prayer) works! Praise God!!!
For our last dinner, we headed to Thanpraporn for wonderful fried rice cooked by Saiyan’s mum. Apparently, the supposed (not very nice) frozen garden vegetables (the ones with corn carrots and peas) in the fried rice were actually fresh vegetables painstakingly prepared by her. The extent of her hospitality despite us just knowing her for a short while was pretty astounding. I’m sure we all felt the warmth and love through the simple yet delicious fare. Praying one last time for all the Thai workers, we poured our hearts out to God to bless them! Once again, we are all very thankful for this opportunity to pray, minister and simply bless the Thais and especially the church workers. Just as they have been a great joy and great hosts, we were glad to be able to return the blessings we received.
After the painful goodbyes, we had the last song thiaow trip home. Honestly, Pi Nok (our driver) has been the best song thiaow driver eveerrrrrr. He just has so much joy in him that his laughter and smile will just warm everyone up. Then came the final reflections during our night sessions. Qi led us to take a moment to pen down our thanksgiving and take aways for the trip. As the thoughts flowed, we realized how gracious God has been to us. Here is a short summary of all our sharings.
Uncle Jeremy – new prayer and worship experience
Esther – capacity to love, increase of love stamina
Ivian – take back God’s love given to the team
Jerone – God of so much more
Justin – aspire to do missions, thankful to be able to part of the team, and GROWTH
Boom (Thai youth) – able to see old friends and forge new friendships
Alex – greater love, hope to bring the passion for healing back to Singapore
Peilin – worthiness
Lydia – conscious love and exciting prayer life
Qi Hui – not to revert back to old self, embrace new identity
Clarence – emotional healing and mugatat (Thai version of bbq and steamboat)
Kelyn – different person, love of the Thai people, trying to emulate them
Shaun – Gospel revealed to many ears, new people that came to church this week, youths rising up
Kelda – things went smoothly, new friendships
Cheryl – joy of praying and ACD
Audrey – humility and ACD
Deborah – thankful for the new set of clothes that God has given me (spiritual clothes)

Ah Bi - making new friends and finding out God loves the poor
Ah Bi - making new friends and finding out God loves the poor
Auntie Carol – supernatural teamwork + family J
Uncle Henry – I am thankful my wife came with me on this trip + support back from home, from the team, support from Thailand
We thank you all for your prayer support back at home, they have been, as Lydia said ‘carrying us on eagle’s wings’. See you all tomorrow. We will miss Thailand :’(
Ending off, “God can use anyone anytime, anywhere, anyhow, to do anything” as said by Clarence. Amen and goodnight folks.
Deborah and Audrey
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