“Sa-wat-dee dton yen! Sa-baai dee mai?” (This actually means Good evening, how are you?)
As the sun began to rise, this marked the beginning of a wonderful day ahead of us. All the guys woke up really early to shower and have their breakfast (as usual), while the girls were still snoozing soundly in bed! A moving and audible alarm clock ( Alexzxzx) slowly popped his head into the room and exclaimed “CHERYL STILL SLEEPING AH!?”, resulting with everyone bursting into laughter.
After the yummy breakfast, our dear talented musician, Esther, led the team into a wonderful time of worship, followed by a tear jerker account from Pi Sit (Jerone) of how Jesus suffered so much for us because He loved us so much. He even shared how the maximum number of flogging in Israel was based on the number of times Jesus was flogged. :’(
Before we embarked the Song Thiaow, Ahjaan Henry encouraged us with :
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs.”
Moving on, we went to Bangrachan to visit Pi Thong Law, a handicapped man who is one of the beneficiaries of the Covenant Seed Fund. With the help of our very capable interpreter AKA PI SHAUN HO, we heard the testimony of Pi Thong Law who fell from a great height at a construction site while doing odd jobs there. As a result, he was paralysed from waist down. As the sole bread winner of his family and being the only Christian there, he faced tremendous pressure from the people around him. Due to his physical condition, he was looked down by everyone, including his family. So the guys gathered to pray for him while the girls did a prayer walk. The presence of God was so strong and great that all the real men started crying( Clarence, Ivian, Alex etc.) His fish farm was also not doing well so the girls went to pray for the fishies to grow big and healthy so that they could be sold.
We went back to Thanpraporn Church for a super delicious lunch prepared by Pi Na. It consisted of tomyum seafood soup, deep fried fish with homemade sweet and sour sauce and a mixed veggie dish. YUMMYYYY (Clarence ate two fish heads and everyone finished off the body hahaha!) We also had cups of Thai coconut ice cream with glutinous rice and tausuan beans which was absolutely delectable.
Soon after, we departed for CG at Sa Jaeng Village where it was held under the trees. The worship was led by Pi Air, the testimony was shared by Pi Tin(Justin) and the Bible lesson was led by Cheryl! We taught the Thai people how to fold paper hearts to give away as presents to their loved ones.
In the evening, we went to Rong Nam Taan Village to conduct an open air evangelistic concert. After the usual line-up (Ice breakers, dances, songs and the skit), Alexzxzx shared a heartwarming testimony and Pi Lydia led the Gospel clincher where seeds were sown.
In the evening, we went to Rong Nam Taan Village to conduct an open air evangelistic concert. After the usual line-up (Ice breakers, dances, songs and the skit), Alexzxzx shared a heartwarming testimony and Pi Lydia led the Gospel clincher where seeds were sown.
The evening ended on a high note as the whole team gathered to pray for a Thai girl, Aim, who is only 12 this year. Her head was hurting earlier and when she went to the doctor for a check up, it was discovered that she had a blood clot in her brain as a blood vessel had erupted. She underwent an operation and the after effects was that her limbs on the left side of her body were weak and she could hardly move them. After fervent prayers, visions and encouragements, she could move her hands more freely as she felt strength coming back and she could also balance on her left leg with a little help from her mother. This was when during the prayer and worship, many girls started tearing as they could feel that the Lord was right there.

We bade farewell to the locals and travelled to 7-11 for our usual nightly milk rounds. ( GO MEIJI! ) Also, with everyone feeling very patriotic, we started singing National Day songs like ‘Where I Belong’, ‘Home’ and ‘Singapore Town’ etc. Realising that 5 days have already past, we thought of how time flew and soon we will be back in Singapore so don’t miss us too much!
With lots of love,
Uncle Jeremy and Keldaaa
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