Oh, we realized we made a mistake yesterday, and that we went to

We started our day with a visit to the Inburi church, there we prayed for the loyal and faithful coffee lady that has been living in the church. She was suffering from a tumor in her uterus that had not been diagnosed. We prayed for healing. Some words of knowledge were given, that revealed her frustration with her health and her inability to serve God.
In the process of praying for the old lady, another Thai lady that was present and observing suddenly felt the presence of God. In tears, she was further ministered to with words of encouragement from the team. Upon further probing, she had worries about her job security and was convicted that God had forgiven her of her sins

We also learnt that the church was a place of refuge for the nearby villagers when seasonal flooding of the Chao Phraya occurs. It’s really a fantastic testimony for a church building in its service to the community. In addition, we learnt that the building of the church was an anomaly in church planting in Thailand. However, its strategic location along the high banks of the river made it imperative that the building project was completed.

In the afternoon, we went to Saweangha to hold an evangelistic concert, which essentially became another session of children’s club as all the attendees were children. We were exceptionally thankful for Choo, a local church worker, who really jazzed up all our games and helped “tame” the children (who seemed to have too much sugar coursing through their bloodstream). Haha, okay not all the blame should go to the children, we had troubles adapting to the different characteristics of the children that we saw. But anyways, it was a blessing in disguise as we realized the importance of including the local church leaders into our plans and not overshadowing them. After all, we are just reaping what they have been diligently sowing, and they really have some incredible testimonies. Comparable to ours heh. (Okay ego trip there haha)
Whilst this was going on, another group comprising of Neo, Eunice, Janelle, Daniel and Devi went house visiting. That actually is a misnomer, they actually went around giving hope. The first house was Nong’s house, a 68 year old woman who was suffering from collapsed lungs and a not too good windpipe. She experiences difficulty breathing and is constantly hooked up to the oxygen tank. Her elder brother passed away recently, thus, many people have been telling her that she would soon die just as her brother did. These are of course lies planted by the enemy, sadly, she believed them (Really cannot imagine how to withstand such condemnation from so many seriously), hence, she gave up on life. This was confirmed by images revealed to Dan and Jan, the mighty Tan siblings haha. Hence, the team affirmed and encouraged her, and she seemed to have newfound hope after the encouragements given by the team. The most miraculous thing was that she said that she would change her normal farewell greeting of “Pra Jao uay pon” (God bless you) to “Pra Jao jia rak sa” (God heals)! This really shows the hope she now possesses.
The second house they went to had a cute lady whose husband passed away recently, who is diabetic and has high blood pressure. They sensed that she seemed in denial over her husband’s passing, and Pastor Eng Kiat had to explain that the husband has gone to heaven, and that his spirit isn’t lingering around as per Buddhist teachings. She seemed much happier after she acknowledged that her husband has really left this earth. Haha, why did they said she was cute? Because she laughed and tried grabbing Dan’s hand when he was trying to bless her from head to toe! Haha, giving hope can be entertaining yea? We should do it more often and add some spice to our lives. After all, the Thai life is very spicy… okay, shall not scare people off reading the rest of our awesome blog with lameness.
Whilst the visiting and the club/concert was going on, a deliverance also happened. This is truly fen1gong1he2zuo4! This involved the woman who was delivered last year, however, as she seemed unwilling to give up some of her old beliefs, so the spirits came back to disturb her. Again, Vanessa, Peilin and Cass really stepped up to the task and stood brave and strong even though they were doing it for the first time. Of course, it helped that Uncle Henry was so chiong about it haha. Thank God for giving those involved the bravery and anointing them with power to carry out his work.
At night, we had cell group (which was interspersed with lots of bug killings), followed by ministry time. The cell group lesson was about the prodigal son, but shall not elaborate so much on it. Instead, we would like to thank God for helping us encourage the people during ministry time, as we called forth the identity of the Thai people by affirming their places as princes/princesses in the kingdom of God and that whatever healing power we have, they have it too! Really, this trip is not about us going there to show off what we can do, instead, we go there to encourage and affirm the Thai people about their identities and tell them that whatever we do, they can do it as well or even better.
Anyways, to flesh out the earlier part about the ministry time with details, En Ting prayed for a lady with backache. The lady’s name is
All the healing testimonies that we share here, we really hope that the Thai people have even more amongst themselves. And from the look of things, we think they will. They have so much faith, it is cool that they turn to God as their first option when they are unwell or facing troubles, instead of man.
Here are some prayer requests:
- English camp: That there will be good attendance from community youth, and that many new potential leaders for the church will be raised up from the youths that attend.
- House visiting will continue being fruitful and that we would be a good testimony as well as be encouraged from the visits.
- Continue to be totally reliant and totally led by the Holy Spirit.
Louisa and Daryl
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