Hey all,
Today, we would be reporting from two different points of view, so that we will present a report that is comprehensive and not gender biased.
Firstly, from Louisa:
We started off this Sunday by doing what all good Christians do, which is to head for church. Except that we visited two churches instead of the usual one. In the morning, we headed for Dachang Church, a rather well-established church under Pastor Eng Kiat’s watchful eye. Here, we decided to hold an “Encounter with God” session for the adult session, and the children’s ministry as per normal. We had three different stations, namely prophetic painting, feet-washing and a gift station. Even though many of us seemed tired in the beginning, we went with anticipation that God will work marvelously through us. And indeed, He showed up!
At the prophetic painting station, people were ministered to as the painters prophesied directly into people’s lives through the use of drawings. Fear at first reigned as the painters were wondering if they had enough time to think of drawings, or if their drawings in fact passed the grade of being understandable. However, through the many styles that the painters employed (and the help of our very capable thai translators, perhaps more so of this than anything else), the paintings were understood!
Peilin shared a testimony of where she was suddenly prompted by Uncle Henry to draw for someone in the congregation that God wants to speak to. Being the well-trained people who always “tio” arrows shot by Uncle Henry, she obediently followed his orders and drew a pink flower. She didn’t know what to draw, but then she got another image which there was a stairway to heaven (no reference intended to the Korean hit show by the way). She was still trying to figure out the interpretation when she was inspired during the sermon by Uncle Henry to colour the background pink.
The congregation at first had two pink shirted ladies in it, and she worried which one the picture was meant for. In fact, at first, she was eyeing the pink lady in front (This shows that perhaps we should all sit in the front rows so that we will be targeted by prophets first) But, I’ve learnt that sometimes in God’s plan we should just act first and let God worry about stuff for you J. God solved it easily by causing the pink lady at the back to start weeping. So of course, the obvious candidate was her. Turned out that she was going through a very trying time as her husband was ill and she assumed the role of sole breadwinner. Well, the interpretation was that she was the pink flower and that the glory of God is shining and will sustain her. She was touched definitely, and really, a prophetic act was done that Peilin has spoken into her life and encouraged her! Praise the Lord!
As God is a thorough God, he also sent Kushasta to cover the base of praying and prophesying to the husband. It is indeed amazing how God works, how He uses us as different parts of a team to accomplish His one good will. There are many other great great testimonies to be shared, but I cannot continue to “luo suo” here and deprive others of their ability to hone their storytelling skills.
After the session was over, we had some real delicious Phad Thai and thought everything for Dachang was done and dusted. Just as a random side note to all moms out there, we are eating really well and probably will reach back like the seven fat calves that came out from the Nile in Daniel’s dream. However, Auntie Anong suddenly suggested we go and pray for this old lady that was deaf in both ears. So we did. As she sat down, more people who were partially deaf joined the old lady. One was deaf in the right ear, one who wasn’t that sure and one who had knee problems (this seems like a motley bunch, on hindsight, but I’m sure God put them all together for a reason :D) Here, we managed to experience our first healing of the deaf, where the guy who was deaf in the right ear experienced a “popping” in ear and from then, he was completely healed. God is really good! In addition, the woman with knee problems was healed of her pain and she could walk without pain after that! Deaf down, lame down, just blind to go J Okay, just joking but that will be a good prophesy yes? We are so thankful that God released His healing grace so much today, it was not that our prayers were super intensive or powerful or what not, as we actually uttered short and simple prayers but once God moves, and heaven invades earth, miracles will take place! Yay!
After that, we went over to the Thanpraporn Church. One thing amazing I have noticed about the Thai people is that they are so crazy for God that they attend two services sometimes. Cannot really imagine doing such a thing haha. Oh yea, about Thanpraporn Church, is the place that I went there on TMT like eons ago to pray for it that God will work in that place and build a church up. Heartening to see that prayer actually coming true, so those on my mission trip, BE ENCOURAGED! Here, we conducted the Children’s Ministry and sat into the adult’s ministry. We are grateful that God doesn’t neglect the young ones, and that He somehow managed to get them to sit down and listen to our lesson about David and Goliath and the armour of God without being restless. The children especially seemed to enjoy the fact that they could bring back their very own “shield of faith” and “sword of the spirit”. Thank God for His good work for all ages.
In addition, Thanpraporn also saw another healing, where Daryl and Enting prayed for a lady with knee problems. After prayer, she started looking very happy. Wondering what was going on, they tried asking if she felt better. She answered by *drum roll* stamping her feet on the floor! Haha, could not ask for a more comprehensive answer right? She could again walk without pain! PTL! That is a short snippet, I’ll let Daryl add in his testimony.
We had dinner and after that a short cell group, where Devi shared a very inspiring testimony. I recommend everyone to grab a copy of her CD heh heh.
Today was definitely a most fruitful day, with many members stepping up and taking up their destinies as warriors for God. Isn’t it just great that we hear of so many new people accomplishing stuff they never thought they could do? I personally have seen so many people discovering their true identities, and all I can do is thank God for His transforming power in our lives. I do believe that TMT is a place where we ourselves are ministered to such a great extent, I fervently believe no one is going to come back the same ever. God is such a great God, when He tells us to be strong and brave; He definitely backs us up with His legions of angels and His Almighty power! And of course, His great loveJ
Okay after my very long ramble, some prayer pointers would include:
- That God will continue blessing our work and that we would continue discovering our identities personally
- Pray for our safety and health
- That the space on the song tiao will be multiplied haha.

Daryl : Feelings of the healing at tamparapon. I was kind of a skeptic of this healing thingamajig, nonsense I might have called it. But after this one experience, my mind is blown right out of the water (or cerebrospinal fluid).
Having always thought that I knew it all, experienced it all, God just showed me that he can heal too, yes, heal. Anyway, making my rounds with the camera opened my organic apertures to a whole new world, allowed me to see unbelievable sights and accorded me indescribable feelings.
So I was hovering around the AIRCON ROOM, with the camera and the people praying, they were, Uncle Henry, Devi and Peilin. So I decided to chip in whatever I could afford, considering the immense weight of the DSLR in my hands. I gingerly raised my hands toward the old lady and just prayed a simple “Lord, Heal her leh….” , felt a warm sensation in my hands and hovered around somemore. Deep in my heart I knew that something cool was about to happen, but I maintained my skeptic, objective, scientific ways, just to see what happens.
The old lady, SUPPOSEDLY in pain, STOOD UP and WALKED around as if she was part of a healthy lifestyle programme commercial by the Health Promotion Board in Singapore. AMAZING. AND as if that was not enough, she kicked the ground with that hurt foot/leg. KICKED THE GROUND! Obviously, Joy emanated from her face. God’s Joy. God’s Glory. God’s efficiency. No fuss, NO GST!!!!. FREE OF CHARGE. GOD IS GOOD.
So far (2 days have passed), God has accorded me the privilege of witnessing 2 miracles. 1) WATCHING THE WORLD CUP HERE IN THAILAND and 2) HEALING AND GOD TOUCHING LIVES. Which is more significant? I’ll leave that to you.

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