Ok, finally got here and the internet isnʼt really working really well, speed wise - will try to get
another sim for it and attach myself to a prepaid internet plan soon. Have gotten a sim card and is
one of the inexpensive ways of staying connected, not through data plans or whatsapp, but it is
back to old school style, of smsing (+6707641042). Iʼm running on my old SE W810i currently,
since the BB is just way too complicated to get it to work here.
Spent the first day making a quick trip to the supermarket to get our drinking water supply topped
up and being shown around the library and seeing how things run and attending a Evangelism on
Campus workshop for the church youths that I had a chance seeing how far my Bahasa would go,
since the trainers were from Malaysia.

Then it was home for a yummy dinner (flight food was bad)
prepared by Siew Lee. I have intentionally placed this picture up
to assure all my lovelies that I am eating and sleeping well here.
There is really good soup cooked as you can see and a nice,
thick comfy bed and a room to myself. It is where I managed to
get some good rest of a short nap, feeding off 2 podcasts and
some journaling and QT done today.
Starting out the habit of developing this inner sanctuary is still
taking some time used to, the new environment, culture and
language while keeping the old habits in.
Church was on today, so it is another experience of being in the
midst of another of Godʼs family, pretty determined to learn the
language, so I can understand what is going on and what is
being sung. They use Easy Worship too so it is quite cool!
Nights are usually dinners with Siew Lee (SL) and Li Shan (LS).
Sunday nights comes with prayers to pray for
Got a full week ahead while I start my first Tetun lesson this
Wednesday morning. Be hanging around to watch goes on as
an overview of what a typical week is like.
Pray for strength - I hope Iʼm not too old playing catchup with the
kids and starting up a busier rhythm again after a month of rest,
for grace and wisdom as I pick up the language (it can get a little
frustrating when I end up being limited on my communication),
and eyes being fixed upon Him.

When it is all quiet at night, it is not hard to be quiet, but a
harder thing is making sure I listen to the right voice. Perhaps
the frustrations/weaknesses/struggles starts making a point and
how I must and need to even more so dig into the word and
unto Him.
Having an ipod with music and podcasts is quite a life saver
over here for me. More updates in time to come on what it is
really gonna be like for a typical week. Bracing myself! Oh and
meet my she friend who is a great companion and friend too -
Blackie, reminds me alot of Lassie. Jesus knows what makes I
love and need :)
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