MOrning Young Adults,
We have such an amazing time of worship and soaking at our 1st YA Extended Worship and Prayer on Sunday! God heard our prayers and showed up. We were flying. I am encouraged by this sharing from Alvin:
"...I am so blessed to be part of a YA whose desire to worship God is so strong. I knew God came and visited us. He walked among all of us. When the 'flying' session started I saw Jesus walking about the sanctuary, He was touching each and everyone of us. Blessing and praying over each and everyone of us. I know He want to give us His personal touch.
I like to encourage you, everyone of you to keep on pursuing God. Not as a head knowledge, not as a bible study but by obeying what you already know. Forget those screw ups, forget the bad things, forget it all and look towards Jesus, who is our hope, the perfector of our faith. Keep desiring God and be a man and women who is after God's own heart, whose so desire is to be a like David who said, " ... one thing that I desire of the Lord, is to gaze upon His beauty..." I pray that each and everyone of you would have this experience of seeing the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else satisfies besides being able to be in His presence."
Isn't God amazing. I just sense that God is going to bring even more amazing things into our lives this year. God is releasing His Open Heaven into all of us, that we will bring His Presence to invade the prison that so many people live in, whether it is sickness, fear, depression or pain. Because whatever doesn't exist in heaven shouldn't exist here. Our calling is to eliminate all of these in our lives, homes, schools and offices so that the unlimited peace, hope and love that we've discovered for ourselves.
Have a wonderful week ahead,
U. Henry
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