Dear young adults,
Many of you long for deeper hunger and thirst for more of God in your life. We invite you into an experience of the Inner Court of God's temple this Saturday at our 3rd floor main sanctuary.
Various stations will be set up where you can choose to encounter the Father's love and presence. You are recommend to start with the Station -
'At the Cross with Jesus'. Then you can move on to the other stations like
'Soaking in God's Presence',
'Washing of Feet',
'Anointing and Prophecy' and
'Holy Communion'. All the stations are conceived by Church of our Saviour; their pastors and leaders will also be present to minister at some of the stations.
The prophet Ezekiel was brought by the Holy Spirit into "The Inner Court" of the temple where he had a powerful encounter with God. We believe that God wants you to have an "Inner Court" experience with Him. We hope to see all of you this Saturday.
Ezekiel 43:5-7 The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the temple. Then I heard Him speaking to me from the temple, while a man stood beside me. And He said to me, "Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever..."Come and be prepared to receive more of Him in your hearts.
Uncle Henry and Auntie Carol
28 Sep 09