Covenant Youth and Youth Adults
WORSHIP Jesus through Word. Outreach. Revivalist. Supernatural. Honor. Impact. Prayer
Psalms 27:4
Becoming dwelling places for Him to dwell in
Monthly Extended Worship
Spend time soaking and being in His presence, talking to Him as He speaks to us
CG/BAG Time/Bible Study
Your weekly Cell Groups or Basic Accountability Groups, ploring over the word, journeying together
Our Core Values
Jesus is the focus of our worship.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Dear Young Adults,
I was reminded what a Holocaust survivor said, “Everything can be taken away from a man but one thing – the last of the human freedom – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
This morning, Pastor Michael Ross Watson encouraged all of us to put pleasing God as our highest goal especially in time of adversity. Indeed, there is an oasis from God in time of crisis. As we continue our BAG series on Biblical Financial Study, may the Lord grant each of us a willing and obedient heart to realize that God's approval is better than man's approval. Let us put seeking God’s face and His glory as the most important thing in our life.
3 John 2 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
Blessed Lunar New Year,
Henry and Carol
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This is your Captain speaking.
You have been chosen to attend this AWESOME event,
what: Captain's ball
when: 18 january 2009,Sunday,1130am
where: meet in the YA room! (we'll be playing near church)
who: do invite yr friends or anyone who wants to play!
how: (er okay there is no how.)
do remember to bring yr sports attire & be ready to sweat it out!
also, pray for good weather please.
no thunder/showers, just sun & blue skies ahead.
hope you're having a blessed week!
see you there!
On behalf of YA comm,
your captains,
JLee, JHo & CTan
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Prayer

Father God, as we did the exercise on 'Prophetic Art' on Sunday, we thank you for the immense love you have for all of us. We thank you for the challenge, for the mantle you have given to every young adults. Help them not to be afraid, but instead they will mature into future leaders of Covenant.
Lord Jesus, we need your anointing, your covering. Make all of us rise up to truly be men and women after Your own heart, to be passionate worshipers and warriors of the most high God. That we will not give in, not live the way the enemy has told us to live in. But You will release to every young adults the grace to be who You call them to be.
"Whatever we look at - we become and we draw toward us.
As we fix our eyes on Jesus (Heb 12:2),
Fix our eyes on what is unseen (2Cor 4:18),
Our focus becomes our future..."
Uncle Henry & Aunty Carol
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Thank You!

Dear Young Adults,
May I add my appreciation and thanks to all YA - your zeal, passion and
enthusiasm have blessed the Church and added to the fire of renewal.
Pastor Keith Lai
Dear Young Adults,
Blessed 2009! And blessed be the Name of our Lord!
We want to thank all of you young people for being so supportive in the
work of the Lord in Covenant in 2008. Many of you served so fervently in
the worship ministry, BB&GB, Sunday School, Youth Ministry, Sunday School
and Chinese Ministry. We want to especially thank the YABF committee led
by Shaun and Charissa for doing such an amazing job in 2008.
A big thank you to the Young Adult BAG leaders for your time and effort in
providing spiritual guidance to the BAG members. We also want to thank
Cheryl Tean for her contributions; she would be be serving together with
Brandon in SJSM church this year. We pray that the Lord will release
greater blessings through her to others.
In anticipation of their new baby, Steven Toh and Hui Jia would be taking
a break in 2009. We rejoice with them as they prepare for their 'family
expansion plan.' Their BAG would be merged with our Saturday YA BAG later
this month. We also want to welcome Wee Liang and Ellen who would be
taking over the new YAs from CG6.
As Ps Keith has shared during the Watchnight Service yesterday, our theme
for 2009 is "Arise and Christ will Shine on You." Let's pray and
prophetically decree that 2009 would truly be a year of greater release of
Heaven onto Earth through us as we fix our eyes on Jesus. (Hebrew 12:2)
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let us throw of everything that hinders and the sin that so easily
entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
(Hebrew 12:1)
Serving Our Saviour,
Henry and Carol